Monday, September 20, 2010

Module 6

What is Flickr?

'Flickr is an image and video hosting website, web services suite, and online community.'

Having never used Flickr before and not really considered having a Flickr account.......I've now done both and can see how it can be a very useful tool both for educational purposes  and for personal use at home.

These  photos were taken at Cape Tribulation when I was there on holidays Xmas 2009.


  1. Hi Toni,
    You are doing a great job with your blog!
    Love your pics!
    Keep up the great work!
    Looking forward to reading more and seeing more pics!

  2. Love the photo from Cape Tribulation.....look forward to more photos from your travels.
    You don't seem too "Bamboozled" to me. Going along great guns!!! Love your background page.


  3. Hi Toni
    Love your pictures such a great photographer.
